It's amazing how the internet has morphed into a
giant multimedia storage device. You can find a video on just
about anything these days, and there may be times when it's beneficial
to embed one into a post or reply. You don't need to be a
computer guru to do this. Actually, it's pretty darn easy if
you know the basics. If you spend the next 10 minutes reading
this FAQ you'll be embedding videos like a pro in no time.
The first thing we need to do for this
demonstration is to find a video that we'd like to embed.
I've gone to YouTube and found a cool video about the 2009 Cayman S/PDK
done by Motortrend. Here's a link to that video:, and here's what
my screen looks like:

To embed this video into a post, we will need to
know its 'Video ID'. This is the trickiest part of embedding
a video, finding the 'Video ID'. But it's really not that
hard. Let's take a look at the link of this video, we can
find this in the 'Address Bar' of our browser. Here's a close

I've circled a specific area inside the
URL. The 'Video ID' always follows 'v='.
So in this case, our video ID is 'iGe8YXicbRM'.
That looks like gibberish to you and me, but to YouTube, that's the
name of the video we want. We can easily use our mouse to
select that text and copy it. (Sometimes there is more text following
the Video ID. If this is the case, the extra text will always
start with a '?', so you can copy the section between '=' and '?'.)
Now that we've found and copied the Video ID, we
can embed the video into a post. There are a couple of ways
to do this. I'm going to cover the easy way, using the Post
Editor. So let's go create a post. I think this
video is likely to result in some pretty interesting Cayman Discussion,
so I've decided to create a new thread in the 'Cayman Discussion'
forum. Here's what that looks like:

As you can see, I've added a little note
introducing the video. Next, I want my video embedded, so I
go to YouTube, copy the Video ID, then come back to my post and paste
the Video ID into the editor.

Once I've got the Video ID pasted and selected
(highlighted), I can click one of the Video buttons to wrap the Video
ID in the code that will embed the video (circled in blue
below). As you can see, I have several choices
here depending on where the video is hosted:

Here's a list of the video host buttons, and the BB Code that gets inserted when you click one:
Google Video |
[GOOGLE] ... [/GOOGLE] |
YouTube Video |
[YT] ... [/YT] |
HD YouTube Video |
[HDYT] ... [/HDYT] |
Vimeo |
[VIMEO] ... [/VIMEO] |
Because this video is very
high quality and it looks good in the YouTube HD viewer, I'm going to
click 'HD'.
That will wrap my Video ID in the HD YouTube
I've also added a short conclusion
paragraph. Now I can post my thread and as soon as I do, this
is what I get:

It's that easy. Now you're capable of
embedding videos and impressing all of your Cayman Register friends.