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Gator Bite 03-24-2010 09:22 PM
OK guys, this isn't rocket science, but if you've never applied one of these this may help you get a really great look from your Cayman Register Window Decal. Yup, that's right. We've got our own window decal. It's the same diameter as the other PCA window decals so you can have one on each side of your car, a balanced set.
A decal will be sent to every new member using the mailing address provided during registration. If you're reading this, then you've done all you need to do to get one....
Gator Bite 06-28-2010 03:44 PM
Changing the oil and filter on a Cayman is actually very easy, but slightly different than other oil changes you may have performed. There are a few specialty tools I would recommend you obtain before tackling this maintenance task. With a couple of tips and traps in mind even the most novice mechanic can handle this job.
1Torque Values
Fastener LocationDescriptionTool SizeTorque ValueDrain Plug18mm Aluminum Drain Plug8mm Hex Driver37 ft.lb.Oil FilterPlastic Filter Housing74mm Oil...
ApexL8 04-18-2010 05:41 PM
Porsche suggests the spark plugs get replaced at the 60,000 mile service...nuf said, lets get at it. I'll just go into detail for the steps to replace one plug, they are all similar.
UPDATE: In 2008 Porsche lowered the recommended interval for replacing the spark plugs to 60,000 km (~37,000 miles) or 4 years, whichever comes first, for cars in the USA. My plugs looked OK at 60,000 miles, use your best judgement.
Thanks to pcormier at P-9 for his spark plug article.
Thanks to...
ApexL8 03-20-2010 08:49 PM
Porsche brake rotors can last for many years of normal street use without wearing out. For other owners 'normal' use also includes track duty which can accelerate wear and/or cause other defects like cracking. When normal wear or defects reach a certain threshold it is time for new discs.
I will use the terms "rotor" and "disc" interchangeably, "rotor" because it is the part of the brakes which actually turns, and "disc" because of the part's shape. I feel this is an acceptable practice...
webbie 01-06-2010 09:07 PM
This is just a summary of what consolidated, FT and L8Apx have done. :thanks:
First thing first, disconnect the battery and leave the trunk and hatch open. Leave them open until you are done with the DME.
Background information, I am using Traqmate complete kit and Traqdata II.
E6-RPM green/blue into RPM port
D16-TPS violet into A0 port
STLPCA 02-04-2010 07:34 PM
Converting from the oem lug bolts to wheel studs and lug nuts is a simple & inexpensive DIY as can be seen in the photos below. I already had several sets of Porsche aluminum lug nuts for street use & steel lug nuts for track use left over from my 993 saving me that cost. Porsche aluminum or steel lug nuts are regularly available on eBay, as well as new from many Porsche parts sources.
You'll need to buy 20 studs. I bought a few extras as spares which I carry in my track box (along with a...
Gator Bite 05-07-2011 01:21 PM
https://caymanregister.org/picture.php?albumid=402&pictureid=5112As a long time sports car guy, I've always missed having an oil pressure gauge in my Cayman. I think I just got used to seeing how temperature, oil life and engine condition can effect oil pressure. To this day, it's something I still look for. So I've finally broken down and delved into another Cayman project. I've decided to install an Oil Pressure Gauge in my Cayman S. After a lot of research, I chose the AutoMeter 4953 2 /16...
Gator Bite 01-05-2010 03:00 AM
Removing the Exhaust System (Catback)
Torque Values
Fastener LocationDescriptionTool SizeTorque ValueExhaust Flange NutsM8 Nut (x6) (Replace with Stainless Steel)13mm Socket17 ft.lb.Rear Exhaust to Hanger8mm Bolts and M8 Lock Nuts (x4)13mm Socket17 ft.lb.Exhaust Hanger Clamps8mm Bolts and M8 Lock Nuts (x8)13mm Socket17 ft.lb.
1). Place wheel chocks in front of and behind each front wheel.
2). Jack up both the right and left rear wheels of the car. Use jack stands to ensure...
Gator Bite 01-01-2010 10:55 AM
I remember it like it was yesterday. I’m referring of course to my first two weeks in my Cayman S. As one of the few Americans that had checked the ‘European Delivery’ option box, I had the rare opportunity to explore the limits of my new Porsche without the fear of legal complications. That’s right…. I was on the German autobahn, the A-31 to be exact, and I had just passed one of those nifty ‘No Speed Limit’ signs. I leaned into the throttle and let the speedometer climb.
Rob VN 07-31-2011 05:28 PM
A third radiator provides extra cooling margin for those of us operating in warmer climates. This thread show a few photos of a third radiator installation into a 2007 Cayman 2.7L. YMMV. I purchased the third radiator kit from Suncoast. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the car was set up to accommodate the third radiator installation. Here is the kit:
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