Originally Posted by beez
To get the real tilt-shift, this picture was shot with an early 1970s vintage 4x5” Sinar P view camera with a 90mm Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f/8 lens, equipped with a wide-angle bellows, on 4x5” Fuji Velvia ISO 100 color transparency film. The top of the front plane of the camera was tilted down, and the front was also shifted up, while the top of the back plane was tilted back slightly, and was shifted down. The transparency was scanned in a Hasselblad Flextight X5 scanner to 10,000 pixels wide @ 600 pixels/inch.
Nah, just kidding.... it was shot with a Droid Razr, and I used Photoshop CC 2014 to do a lot of masking, exposure and color correction, then used the tilt-shift tool. Here's the original:

Oh man, I laughed my butt off reading that.
I was about to say "Man! That is PURE PHOTOGRAPHIC PORN" right there, but the money shot was not what I was expecting. :-)
Actually Brad, I still don't believe you. That's not Larry's car. That is a Hot Wheels car that looks like Larry's car shot on a diorama. You can tell us the truth. We can take it.
A few years ago, Tilt-Shift was a big deal and there were a lot of commercials that had tilt-shift effects. Disneyworld did some really cool time-lapse stuff of activities in the parks which may have been done with actual tilt-shift lenses.