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beez 12-12-2015 03:32 PM

Picture of the Month #61

Click to see a full size image.

stig took this picture of his 2009 Arctic Silver Metallic/Black Cayman S in August 2014,
as he headed across Lake Michigan on the high-speed ferry back home to Milwaukee from
Muskegon Michigan. He’s taken the Cayman on this ferry a number of times, and finds it
amusing that more often than not, the dock crew loads cars so that the Cayman is the first
to drive down the ramp to unload. He guesses many members of the crew are car guys, too!
SONY NEX-6 24/1.8 ZA; 1/160sec @ f/5.6; ISO400
Processed in Lightroom, using Kodak E100G film emulation

orange987 12-12-2015 08:54 PM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
Let's all just hope that's the only way he should be first off the boat....:hmm:

J Patterson 12-12-2015 09:30 PM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
Great photo!

Ed Merry 12-12-2015 10:27 PM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
I have noticed the same preference for Porsches at the Jamestown Ferry here in Virginia.

Nebio 12-12-2015 11:31 PM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
Stig has a very nice Cayman and he has captured it nicely in this and other photos.
I like his profile picture with the Calatrava in the background.
I too have taken the Lake Express from Muskegon with my Cayman and been placed in the front row. A photo of that was POTM #40

beez 12-13-2015 01:33 AM

Re: Picture of the Month #61

Originally Posted by Nebio (Post 387234)
Stig has a very nice Cayman and he has captured it nicely in this and other photos.
I like his profile picture with the Calatrava in the background.
I too have taken the Lake Express from Muskegon with my Cayman and been placed in the front row. A photo of that was POTM #40

Here's a reminder of POTM #40

Rink 12-13-2015 12:50 PM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
Okay guys, here a challenge for you. Get all of the local Caymans (or Porsches) together and attack the ferry at the same time. Call the event the "ferry ride for Ferry" (Porsche). Okay that may be silly. Just keep enjoying your Caymans.


Speedy 12-15-2015 08:00 AM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
Great picture.

I have taken a number of ferry rides with my CS, among the more memorable a trip across the Potomac on the historic cable ferry at White's Ferry, VA and a trip on the Hatteras to Ocracoke ferry where not only was my Cayman the only Porsche (not too surprising), but it was the only car - every other vehicle was a work truck or SUV!

PistolPete 12-16-2015 10:01 AM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
That view of the Cayman never gets old, great photo!

stig 12-20-2015 12:27 PM

Re: Picture of the Month #61
Thanks to all for the kind comments!


Originally Posted by Nebio (Post 387234)
Stig has a very nice Cayman and he has captured it nicely in this and other photos.
I like his profile picture with the Calatrava in the background.
I too have taken the Lake Express from Muskegon with my Cayman and been placed in the front row. A photo of that was POTM #40

Thanks for the great idea! Seeing your POTM inspired me to have my camera ready on the ferry crossing, in case the Cayman was directed to the front row again. I wasn't prepared for how hard it was to frame the shot, though. Didn't help that I guessed incorrectly and brought the wrong focal length lens. The ship's structure got in the way with nearly every angle I tried. I had to resort to leaning pretty far over the deck rail to snag that shot.:eek2:

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