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greenfrog 08-28-2015 10:55 PM
The greenfrog (Cayman R) is hitting 222F (coolant) and 252F (oil) at VIR on a 90F+ day, so it's time to add some more cooling. The center radiator installation is well documented and straight forward. Flushing the whole cooling system is much messy and requires special tool (UView Airlift 550000) to refill. In addition there are some differences between 987.1 and 987.2 water pumps. Here are some of the articles and forum threads I researched: ...
greenfrog 06-23-2015 11:07 PM
981 Boxster/Cayman uses closed-back front calipers, which must be removed to change front brake pads. It's not a difficult task, but a few tips with pictures will hopefully make it even easier. CAUTION: 1. Do not stress the hard metal brake line when moving the caliper around 2. Properly torque the brake caliper screw is crucial. Over torque it and you risk pulling the thread out of the aluminum wheel carrier. 3. Caliper screws are one-time use. Always replace with new ones. Never...
greenfrog 02-01-2015 09:28 PM
Three years ago at my very first DE, my instructor said he knew I would come back, and I should make improving the safety equipment a priority. Since then, I have gained plenty of seat time, but have been guilty of putting off the safety upgrade. Last November at VIR, I got a cramp in my left leg for bracing against the dead pedal through turn 1. I bought a CG Clamp on site. It helped a lot, but does not appear to be practical for street use. That's when I decided I need 6-point harness,...
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